Friday, February 17, 2023


This is a test, a test, a test.

Not sure it'll post, unless, unless.

The stars all align

just give me a sign

And I'll decide if it's worth all the rest.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

New "Pome", October 2020

I've been pondering whether to continue this blog, after catching up with old doggerels. How to maintain the silly tone in these dark, absurd times? Is it necessary levity or jarringly tone deaf? Well, I decided that when the mood strikes, I will "pome" -- it helps maintain my sanity. Plus, no one sees this blog! 

Here's one I sent someone who is one year behind me...  

Sister-In-Law Birthday Poem

Even though it's twenty-twenty

and complaints are plenty-plenty,

here come days to celebrate,

so why refrain or balk or wait?

In lieu of gifts this coming year

you'll get a pile of mail, I fear.

Yes, Medicare is quite aware

of each and ever-y grey hair.

They'll send you letters every day

till, "Stop, please STOP!" you'll start to pray.

They won't, of course, till you decide.

No, even then, you cannot hide.

Pretend each one's a birthday card (tee hee)

(don't tell me that I'm full of lard),

we have to try to make the best

until this year is put to rest!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Going forward, 2020?

This is from September 16th this year. A little pre-election humor (?) although I'm not amused at the current refusal of Republicans/McConnell to pass another much needed Covid relief bill. Seems they think further deep-sixing the economy will tarnish a Biden presidency. Oh, that gives me an idea for another doggerel. Another day.

Senate Resolution 688

Our government is hard at work.

Mitch McConnell, its most biggest jerk,

blocks every most important bill,

with iron fist and rusted will.

But then! with deft, demented whimsy,

a move oh so strange, firmly flimsy,

a brilliant idea to pass a law!

He needs release, to flex his claw.

Where there's a will there is a way --

declare 9/25 National Lobster Day!


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Last 2015 pome I could find, unless I dig out birthday cards to himself or Soeur


Pome for a Fig Tree        (6/16/15)

When you were small and potty bound,

I tried to think of where in ground

you might do better, thrive and grow,

and make it through the wind and snow.

Have never yet decided where

although i really, really care,

so I have put you in a pot

that is much bigger than a lot.

Now I see you've grown some buds

that may turn into figs, not duds.

At least there is a teeny chance

unless gets "et" by birds or ants…

I'll water you 'bout every day

while you are in the figgy way.

It's hard to give birth to a fig

that's hanging from your little twig.

*2020, figgy’s in the ground out front. Not enough sun, but we get 4-5 figs a year from it! She’s much happier now, with some black-eyed susans and echinacea nearby.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

On the way out...

 Last things song, Nr. 1             (6/12/15)             

A birthday's good for wasting time,

Do collage and make a rhyme.

Someone else's big, big day 

lets you do creative play.

That's a good thing for your brain,

stop the cataloging strain.

Edging toward the freedom life...

here i come, retirement wife!

*Yep, I was out of there in August. (Collage refers to the department’s tradition of making birthday cards).

Monday, September 28, 2020

Mavens & money


Husband sells amplifier!                         (3/9/15)      

Maven is as maven does,

Amplifies, becomes the buzz.

Forward march and buy that amp,

plug it in, play like a champ.

What the maven chooses, buys,

must be best, they all surmise.

*R is a maven, I decided after reading Malcolm Gladwell.


Moolah Alternative Pome, or Catalogers Love Old Vocab     (3/16/15)

I work and work and work all weeks

to get us few more spondulix.*

I do not need to do this now,

could leave this job and just say 'ciao'!

Another spelling, "spondulicks"

allows for rhyming with deep six.

The origin, I hear, is Greek --

I know this pome is somewhat weak.

Let's try to laugh, accommodating

the word that is so antiquating.

*Working in a library improves one’s vocabulary (and brain). Spondulix is 19th century slang for moolah, cash, specifically a reasonable amount of spending money. Money and retirement were clearly on my mind. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Nearing the end, 2015

Work-a-day Pome                         (3/6/15)       

Good thing about this job in here

is seeing books and drinking beer.

No, wait, that last is not quite true,

it's that the books are never due.

Oops, that is wrong as well, a year...

we turn them in by August, dear.

The good thing : that I get to see

ahead new books before they flee

on down the pipeline to the shelf,

and that is added to my wealth,

this endless list of books to read,

this intel-lectu-ally seed.

Now if I only had the time,

I'd read instead of making rhyme.

And then would be as smart as Graham,

with brain as full of words and RAM,

computer-like...  No, more organic.

I'd be retired -- idea volcanic!


Secondary, Responsive Pome           (3/6/15)

I wood, i should, go take a galk*

and gawking watch along the walk...

there are so many oddkins kids

all dressed as if their sense has hid.

The website says, "feels like sixteen"

to match their age? that what it mean??

I'll bundle up and galk, I must...

just hope the wind wood never gust.

That line! it make me think of Steve!

Windwood! Oh yes -- it's time to leave...

*R emailed me, playfully, saying “Have a wood galk” (good walk), despite the chilly air.

Word play, the most fun…